You need to experience the pain, in order to drive organizational gain. I recently read the Harvard Business Review article, “Tipping Point Leadership”, which talked about Police Chief Bill Bratton, and how he transformed New York from the city with the highest crime rate to the city with the lowest crime rate through a series of very effective changes. Bratton used tipping point leadership techniques to make this happen, which included aligning resources with the most important changes, silencing naysayers and mobilizing strategic and respected players in the change activities. However, the technique that stood out the most to me was this: “To make aRead More →

I am a big fan of cop and legal dramas and have watched endless TV episodes of Law and Order, The Good Wife and The Closer, where brave public servants help victims of a variety of crimes. But, something is missing! I think it is time someone pitched a new television show about projects. This new show would address the crimes that occur during a troubled software implementation engagement, perhaps called “Project Handover Red!”. If you work in a big ticket software, technical support organization then you and your team members have likely been the victim of a customer project handover gone wrong.  This is not asRead More →

What do working out at a gym and running a business operation have in common? A few thing. We might look around and see some bad fashion choices. We might find ourselves surrounded by a few muscle-heads. But, the focus of this blog post is that in the gym and in the office, there are comparable techniques that will improve our productivity. Background: It all started because I was bored. I had been working out regularly since I was in my early 20s and reached a point last November where both my brain and my body were bored with the routine and needed a jump-startRead More →