It’s time for leaders like us to plan more meaningful, team building experiences for our employees.  As a leader in 2019, it is likely that you have direct reports scattered across different offices, maybe even different countries. And, it is also likely that at least once per year your dispersed team gets together in person for a strategy or planning session. One common element in these in-person meetings, is a segment set aside for “team building”.  Sometimes this segment is during the day, other times it is after hours. I had one boss who loved to plan out of office team-building activities with her directs.Read More →

I recently tweeted, “Being a great leader is not always about doing, it is also about restraint. Take the time to pause, consider thoughts and words, so that the way we express ourselves motivates and uplifts others.” I strongly believe in this statement. Earlier in my career I worked for a boss who held weekly, in person, team meetings. I often found these meetings frustrating, as it seemed like everyone was talking over each other. As soon as someone took a breath, another person inserted his or her thoughts. There was never a quiet moment and not a lot of listening took place. This wasRead More →

I am currently involved in an initiative to help motivate and inspire our telecommuter population. This is just over 10% of our entire employee base. Since these telecommuting team members are spread across the globe, across departments and functions, and have varied years of experience, this is a challenging task. Recently, I previewed a number of “how to telecommute” books from, to see if any of them would be worthy as giveaways or job tools for this group. Sadly, many of them are geared to business owners working from home or have outdated information. I did find one book, “101 Tips for Telecommuters, SuccessfullyRead More →