The data is clear. Both B2B and B2C buyers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. So, why do we keep treating customer experience (quality, delivery, people) like a cost center?
Every other week I drive about 8 miles out of my way to visit my favorite nail salon for a manicure. There are literally hundreds of nail salons all around the area where I live and where I work, and I keep going back to the same place.
When I first moved from Boston to Atlanta almost 2 years ago, I tried a number of different nail salons. I read Yelp, used coupons, reacted to marketing descriptions, but after trying the newer options, I have continued coming back to the same place.
Why? Very simply because they have the best customer experience, they use the highest quality products and the owners are almost anal about cleanliness and sanitation. Their prices are competitive, but not the cheapest, and I do not care at all. Price is not a consideration.
Recently I was getting my nails done and was chatting to the woman next to me and she shared shared a similar story. She actually drives about 15 miles out of her way to come to this nail salon for the same reasons I do.
Here are a few stats that support my personal views:
- recently published this stat on their blog: 55% of consumers would pay more for a better customer experience. (Defaqto Research)
-, the Customer Experience Board and Marketing Pilgrim recently reported that according to a CEI Survey, 86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience.
- recently reported that “Most business customers are willing to pay as much as 30% more for a product or service that offers an improved customer experience.”
- Nice infographic from Clarabridge on this topic:
As stated…the data is clear. Both B2B and B2C buyers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. It is time to stop treating customer experience like a cost center, and instead like an investment with a clear ROI.
End of rant. Marci out.

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