When colleagues communicate with you, do they know that you are listening? A few years ago, one of my peers asked me to accompany him into a meeting with our collective boss at the time, to help support him in a difficult discussion. In short, our boss was not happy about something that occurred and my peer disagreed with his approach. In the meeting, my peer shared a bunch of professional, yet direct thoughts and opinions and our boss listened. This went on for about 15 minutes and at the end of the discussion our boss said something that was genius. “I need some timeRead More →

“I am a complexity assassin” Love it! I was recently on LinkedIn and came across a complete stranger who had this statement as his headline and my eyes were immediately drawn to his profile. If you read my profile, you’ll see a statement about how “I love the beauty of simplification”. I’ll take a bullet point over a paragraph any day! Simplifying the complex is something I strongly believe we need to embrace. There is a tendency in the workplace to do the opposite…delve into the deep details, the technical specs, the minute by minute timelines. There is definitely a place for details especially forRead More →

Last night I had dinner with four girlfriends and the subject of bosses came up. When the discussion ended, it was very clear that we have an epidemic of UB disease in the Boston area. And, the UBs, A.K.A, unavailable bosses are working at some of the largest, most prestigious companies, have mastered the art of managing up, but have lost sight of why they became leaders in the first place- to lead others! One friend works at one of the billion dollar, global, office supply giants and shared that when she was first hired, she worked for an awesome boss. This boss was supportive,Read More →